# Advanced Usage ## Interactive Runs ```sh fabsetup --interactive user.task ``` ## Output * control output `--hide-*` * numbering * ANSI color codes ## Outfile ```sh fabsetup --outfile output.md ``` Logging of fabsetup calls: Automatically create a file on each fabsetup execution: `outfile.dir=~/.fabsetup-runs` Example, fabsetup generated output without uncolored, command output with ANSI color codes: ```sh @task def task_with_colorful_commands(c): """Bla bla""" c.run("echo colors") fabsetup --color-off --color-keep --outfile output.md \ user.task-with-colorful-commands ``` ## Pandoc ### Add Table of Content ```sh fabsetup --outfile output.md --toc user.task ``` ### HTML File ```sh fabsetup --pandoc-html-file output.html user.task ``` ## Invoke Task Files and Fabfiles Fabsetup is also able to load and to invoke invoke task files and fabfiles. `--load-inv` and `--load-fab` ```sh inv -l inv itask ``` ```sh fabsetup --load-inv -l fabsetup --config invoke.yaml --load-inv inv.itask ``` ```sh fab -l fab -H user@host ftask ``` ```sh fabsetup --load-fab -l fabsetup -H user@host --config fabric.yaml --load-fab inv.ftask ``` ```sh fabsetup --load-inv --load-fab -l fabsetup -H user@host --config invoke.yaml --load-inv --load-fab inv.itask fab.ftask ```